Version: Next


Managing browser binaries#

Each version of Playwright needs specific versions of browser binaries to operate. By default Playwright downloads Chromium, WebKit and Firefox browsers into the OS-specific cache folders:

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ms-playwright on Windows
  • ~/Library/Caches/ms-playwright on MacOS
  • ~/.cache/ms-playwright on Linux
$ pip install playwright
$ python -m playwright install

These browsers will take few hundreds of megabytes of the disk space when installed:

$ du -hs ./Library/Caches/ms-playwright/*
281M chromium-XXXXXX
187M firefox-XXXX
180M webkit-XXXX

You can override default behavior using environment variables. When installing Playwright, ask it to download browsers into a specific location:

# Linux/macOS
$ pip install playwright
$ PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH=$HOME/pw-browsers python -m playwright install
# Windows
$ pip install playwright
$ python -m playwright install

When running Playwright scripts, ask it to search for browsers in a shared location:

# Linux/macOS
$ PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH=$HOME/pw-browsers python playwright_script.js
# Windows
$ python

Or you can opt into the hermetic install and place binaries under the site-packages/playwright folder:

# Linux/macOS
$ pip install playwright
$ PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH=0 python -m playwright install
# Windows
$ pip install playwright
$ python -m playwright install

Playwright keeps track of packages that need those browsers and will garbage collect them as you update Playwright to the newer versions.


Developers can opt-in in this mode via exporting PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH=$HOME/pw-browsers in their .bashrc.

Download from artifact repository#

By default, Playwright downloads browsers from Microsoft and Google public CDNs.

Sometimes companies maintain an internal artifact repository to host browser binaries. In this case, Playwright can be configured to download from a custom location using the PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST env variable.

# Linux/macOS
$ pip install playwright
$ PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST= python -m playwright install
# Windows
$ pip install playwright
$ python -m playwright install

It is also possible to use a per-browser download hosts using PLAYWRIGHT_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD_HOST, PLAYWRIGHT_FIREFOX_DOWNLOAD_HOST and PLAYWRIGHT_WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_HOST env variables that take precedence over PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST.

# Linux/macOS
$ pip install playwright

Skip browser downloads#

In certain cases, it is desired to avoid browser downloads altogether because browser binaries are managed separately.

This can be done by setting PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD variable before installation.

# Linux/macOS
$ pip install playwright
$ PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD=1 python -m playwright install
# Windows
$ pip install playwright
$ python -m playwright install

Download single browser binary#

Playwright downloads Chromium, Firefox and WebKit browsers by default. To install a specific browser, pass it as an argument during installation.

$ pip install playwright
$ python -m playwright install firefox